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The Secular Trend in Monetary Velocity

  1. Clark Warburton
  1. McLean, Virginia


Introduction: Change in monetary velocity as a measure of change in the demand for money, 68. — Types of money and their respective velocities, 69. — Velocity data pertinent to analysis of business fluctuations, 71. — Controversial issues regarding monetary velocity, 74. — The secular trend in circuit velocity of money, 75. — The trend in velocity and growth in time deposits, 81. — Seasonality of production and the rate of use of money, 84. — Factors in the declining trend in the rate of use of money, 86. — Interrelations between changes in the quantity and velocity of money, 90.

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Impact Factor: 5.940

5-Yr impact factor: 8.053


Robert J. Barro

Elhanan Helpman

Lawrence F. Katz

Jeremy C. Stein

Assistant Editor

Trina Ott

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